Speaking of Covid-19 and Omicron

Its pretty rich seeing Robert Evans on Twitter now despairing about the fate of students being exposed to Covid, especially after making an episode of the It Can Happen Here Podcast where he and Gare Davis clearly believed in the right of reporters to simply march up unmasked into Activist faces spreading the Delta variant.

Fuck your crocodile tears Evans, you only object to super spreaders when you think it inconveniences you, and in fact Activists including Anti Fascists do get harassed if not murdered when they get photographed and their identities exposed, stop being a selfish piece of shit.

Also since it seems that Gare Davis is into Magic, I will say as a practitioner they do not speak for me, they are clearly very ignorant of the importance of Astrology in the history of Magic (since like, the Bronze Age) much less Grimoire Magic & Greek Papyri, and those who don’t have a problem with people being invasive and endangering Activist lives aren’t comrades anyway.